9. 5. 2024
The meetings in France

Our clinic was present at the meetings in France.
Thanks to the kind invitation of our partner, the association «Les Cigognes de l'Espoir», we had the immense pleasure of taking part in their friendly meetings in Caen on 4th of May, and in Paris on 5th of May 2024.
These special moments enabled us to meet our partners, as well as former patients who came to present their children to us. It was a great joy for us to meet these families and share their happiness.
If you are also dreaming of starting a family and are looking for human and professional support for IVF, egg donation or embryo donation, don't hesitate to contact our experienced English-speaking coordinators either by e-mail ivona@ivfzlin.cz or by telephone: + 420 606 045 182.
We will be happy to provide you with information, answer any questions you may have or arrange a free consultation.