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Oocyte cryopreservation

As one of the first IVF centers in Czech Republic our Clinic introduced in to the clinical practice the oocyte verification method (fast freezing of eggs). This method allows the cryopreservation (freezing and storing for future use) of oocyts. This was not possible by using the method of slow freezing. Until now was widely used freezing of sperm or embryos but the freezing of oocytes is much more demanding.

The vitrification method is used:

  1. In case of ovarian function failure risk. It enables the patient to preserve her own eggs for future use.
  2. In case of the risk of fertility los following oncology treatment. To women in fertile age before the oncology treatment the oocyte vitrification offers a chance of pregnancy once they successfully overcame the illness.
  3. In case of unexpected absence of partners sperm during the IVF cycle. If the partner is unable to provide the sperm on a day of egg retrieval (for medical, traffic, work or temporary psychological situation reason) it is possible to freeze eggs collected. Also if during the surgical sperm collection from testicles (MESA/TESE) is no sperm found and the infertile couple does not want to use donors sperm it is possible to freeze eggs collected. Both partners will get some time to think and decide about the next step in the treatment.
  4. Other way of using the vitrification is by young women in reproductive age who have no partner at the time and are worried about their fertility in the future. Also women who are not planning pregnancy for career reasons and are postponing their time of conception can have their eggs frozen.

According to international studies the vitrification does not impact on process of pregnancy and does not increase the risk of congenital defect for the child.

An example of a success rate from clinical studies ( Cobo et al., 2008 IVI Valencia): 57 patients and 693 vitrified oocytes:

  • 96.1 % vitrified oocyte survived defrosting.
  • 73.1 % defrosted eggs was fertilized.
  • 38.5 % implantation rate per embryo.
  • 63.2 % pregnancy rate.

AMH – a new view of the ovarian age

To women who are deleing motherhood to a later time and would like know about their fertility we can newly offer the AMH test (Anti-Mullerian Hormone).

The eggs reserve has been until now asset by using the ultrasound test, and by the level of FSH on Day 2-3 of a menstrual cycle. However these tests are not quite precise. A breakthrough discovery is the assessment of the AMH hormone in blood. This will determine the ovarian capacity and evaluate the fertility in given time.

Anti-Mullerian hormone is express by granulosa cells of early stage follicles. They contain immature eggs which are waiting for hormonal impulse to mature later. Their number is decreases naturally with age and so is the AMH level. Also the quality of eggs is worse with the females age. An Impact on this have different factors – genetic condition, infections, operations, smoking, environment, body weight.

AMH test we recommend to women:

  • With family history of premature menopause.
  • After operation on ovaries.
  • With heavy endometriosis.
  • Post chemotherapy.
  • Who are for any reason planning their motherhood for later age.

The ovarian reserve evaluation is a key factor in IVF therapy. AMH can be a useful factor for stimulation drugs doses.

For the blood test can the woman come any time regardless the menstrual cycle phase or use of hormonal medication. This is test not paid for by Health insurance. After the test consult a doctor.


In our modern equipped operating theatre we do small gynecology procedures (hysteroscopy, ovarian cyst puncture, uterus cavity revision, curettage)

All those procedures are than as outpatients, with minimal stay at the Clinic.

Most of the procedures are done under general anesthesia to ensure a comfort and pain free process.


Hysteroscopy is done using an unique device GYNECARE VARSASCOPE with the gauge 1.9mm. In most case the general anesthesia is not necessary.

It is a method that enables us to look in to the uterine cavity which is beneficial for patients undergoing IVF treatment (diagnostic hysteroscopy). In case of abnormal finding (polyps, adhesions) it is possible to provide a curative intervention ( operative hysteroscopy).

When is hysteroscopy done?

  1. Infertility.
  2. Repeated abortions.
  3. Repeated abnormal bleeding.
  4. Suspicion on adhesion, polyps, myoma, inborn defect of uterus.