7. 8. 2020
Beautiful daughter
I'm eternally grateful to you all for giving me the opportunity to be a Mum. Doctors had told me I had "better than average" fertility, but at my age the chance of a successful birth with my own egg was less then 5%, so better than average was still dismal. After experiencing miscarriages and failed IVF with my own eggs, I began researching egg donorship and with a long waitlist in my country, my research took me further afield. From my first contact with you at Zlin IVF, I felt I was in safe and professional hands. Although the decision to proceed with egg donorship raised some concerns for me, my interactions with your clinic left me feeling reassured that all involved were respected and cared for.
My husband and I now have a beautiful daughter, who has her daddy's smile and my curious nature. Thank you so much.
Kind regards.